Saturday 15 November 2014

Mini Disney Review - Frozen

This film's almost unstoppable fan-base seems to treat it as the best thing Disney has ever created, and treating those who prefer older titles as fools. Personally, the plot is nothing special, has loads of poor points and the titular frozen world is rather bland.

At points it feels the plot is just an advert break for the next money printing song, and it is bland as hell. A good musical's songs progress the plot and don't waste the watcher's time, like that of "Make A Man Out Of You" from Mulan, but these songs take up minutes mainly progressing characters with little plot movement. Even in Tarzan where the music was really distanced from the characters the plot advanced in leaps and bounds.

Thinking of Mulan this film doesn't even do that good a job on it's feminist aspects, the thing it had used to draw so much hype; Anna is a silly girl who is seen to fall in love at the drop of a hat, from the very first man she spends time with to the second, and Elsa isn't seen to do much of any use in the plot apart from triggering the snowpocalypse when she is seen to be a freak, something that she could have stayed and debated for more than in few minutes. The men in the film are either evil or disgusting savages, I wonder if they are trying to say something; the so called twist could be seen a mile away, almost as if the only way for a main character to choose the poor love interest over the rich one is to make rich guy evil and poor guy the simple honest lover.

<--Rich                       Poor-->

They attempt to parody their past works, by avoiding some tropes as "Love at first sight", but then they run the joke into the ground very quickly, and then ruin it entirely by just making the second man she meets her true love instead.

For some unexplained reason Elsa has random ice powers; and instead of dealing with them lovingly her parents erase her sister's memories and lock her in her room for years. and the way the get rid of those memories is even weirder, they go to see dumb unexplained rock trolls.They look fucking appalling to be frank.

What the hell are they? Why do these guys have magic? Why are these guys allowed to use their magic to go round helping people if Elsa is forced to stay in her room? If they can remove the magic from her sister why can't they remove it from Elsa? And if they state that fear and emotion would be negative to the powers, why would any adult feel that locking her away from everyone forever would help her if she has to be queen later and meet everyone in the whole kingdom?

Oh we get two dumb sidekicks this time, three
if you include our dumb love interest Kristoff. The snowman's debut is marred by an awful song, that goes even further to break the pacing. At least the reindeer doesn't talk.

The animation feels generic in their new CG artstyle, being less visually interesting than Tangled due to the similarity of their characters making it feel less original. The snow physics are great, being one of the points they picked upon during their promotional campaign, however the film being mainly blue ice and white snow can make it a little dull on the eyes, with only a few colourful scenes after the opening.

Rating - 
Looks - 2.7/5
Sound -2/5
Plot - 1.3/5
Characters - 1.5/5
Overall - 7.5/20

Thursday 6 November 2014

Mini Anime Review - Sword Art Online II (Calibur Arc)

This tiny boring mini story was incredibly dull and forgettable, it lacked danger, it was visually bland and had annoying character actions also.
The party was so big there was little need for Kirito; yet they still act like he has done something amazing when he does a simple sword skill. Sinon is yet again best-girl, and Klein is yet again best main character.

The new intro is nice, but doesn't feel very SAO-like.

Yet again they manage to mess up everything that started well with a return to ALO, they really need to just hurry to the next MMO in the series and forget fairy incest land for good.

Rating - 
Looks - 2.2/5
Sound -3.7/5
Plot - 1.8/5
Characters - 1.5/5
Overall - 9.2/20