Sunday 24 April 2016

Mini Film Review - Zoolander 2 (2016)

I love the original Zoolander. It's one of my favorite movies of all time, with some scenes i will never forget. This was utter shite. I was almost asleep in the cinema at times, and even when awake, the plot was so dull it was no better for viewing. 

The film didn't have the madcap feel of the first, it just felt like a sad old attempt to recreate the magic. It seems they traded jokes for cameos, as for a good long while for anything very funny. My two favorite parts of the movie are the opening as it is genuinely fitting with the Zoolander universe, his school from the first one collapsing in days etc, and his advert as a cow-centaur.

The plot is a jumble of points that could be interesting, but none were focused on enough to amount to anything.  There is:

  • Zoolander reconnecting with his son
  • Hansel learning to commit to his orgy-mates
  • An attempt to reenter the fashion world
  • Interpol investigating a series of celebrity murders
  • Searching for the fountain of youth/garden of Eden
  • Hansel dealing with the fact he had no parents/finding his father
  • Zoolander's son being the chosen one, and fat
They form a clusterfuck  of a mess with little investment going anywhere. The twists and funniest parts were all in the trailer, if anything the trailers get a way higher score than the film as they didn't waste over one and a half hours of my life.

They make call-backs over and over to the first while lacking the bite or the strong supporting cast to carry the performance. Owen Wilson is great as ever, but Stiller's Zoolander was a poor recreation. The character was sweet and kind but too thick to understand in the first, here he is stupid in all the wrong ways, being a knob to lot's of people and generally shitty. Will Ferrell is great, but doesn't appear for the first hour-ish so he was really underused. Zoolander's love interest from the first is dead, and so the focus is entirely on him and Hansel, therefore there isn't anyone intelligent with them to balance them out or connect to the viewer's reactions to their strange situations. I don't even know why they killed her, her actress (Stiller's real life wife) comes back to play her ghost, so it's not even like they killed her due to her not being able to make a return.

The soundtrack is good - because its just the popular ones from the first reused to relight any small glimmer of interest with nostalgia. Their budget seemed really impressive, shame it was terribly utilized on exaggerated set pieces with no comic value.

Utter shite, never watch this film - If you love the first it retro actively ruins it, if you didn't watch or like the first one then half the script being references will go over your head. And this opened on the same week as Deadpool, what a fucking piss take. 

The film ends Hansel's story with a miscarriage joke, I feel like that is am entire accurate summary of this film. A miscarriage.

Rating - 
Direction - 1/5
Soundtrack -2/5
Plot - 0.5/5
Characters - 3/5
Overall - 6.5/20

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